More frienship and mail issues!


This time, Emily refuses to send me her letter, for the 10 hearts event. I made sure to have attended all previous cutscenes, one by one. I tried giving her a hated gift, getting to 9 hearts, then next day loved gift to 10 hearts again... Nothing seems to work, at all.

Is something broken?

The only thing i did different in this save, was to give bouquet to all candidates at the same time! But everybody's letter and/or cutscene, unlocked properly! Despite some letters, lagging a few days back to arrive, from the supposed next day that 10 hearts was achieved individually.

Bug? Anybody else in the same predicament?



Talking to Emily every day, for 3-5 days in a row, somehow "unblocked" the game and i was finally sent the letter. Guess the patch notes of a former sub-version, saying "emily cutscene not triggering fixed", must be true, after all! Cheers and spread word