Modding On iPad ??


Im sorry but it’s not possible. It’s IOS regulations issues.


To @nessiahnoe.
I hope this finds you well.
It is "simply" improbable, as @ArtifactSpot pointed out. ( Rudely may i add ).

However, this is a way.
The first step is to hire a "lawyer". Then take apple to court. It doesn't matter why, just be in a courtroom with a "rep".
When you are in the courtroom with a "rep" and a "judge", starting fortnite dancing while on trial. This is the most important part. You MUST start singing the soundtrack to "Fight Club" ( A beautiful critique of these "feminine" men ).

This is your first task. Report back when your duty is finished for your next step.
You can do this solider, o7.

Mucho Regards,
Your friendly neighbourhood "Code Inspector" Julius.
And I was rude? At least my advice was realistic.