Issue Mod Broken and Environment Glitches after 1.6.2 and SMAPI Simultaneous Update


Hi everyone,

So a couple days ago I tried to launch Stardew and SMAPI gave me an alert saying it was an old version and wouldn't launch the game, so I went onto Nexus Mods (I use Nexus Mods for all my mods) and I tried redownloading SMAPI. This didn't work, so I called my brother, who is in college, and tried a couple things and nothing was working. Then he concluded that uninstalling Stardew, deleting my mods, and redownloading everything would solve the issue. I usually keep Stardew running overnight and throughout the day, so the new update was not installed, meaning I installed the new game update and SMAPI update at the same time. I don't know if this was the cause of the issue, but I thought it might be helpful to say. So after doing all that (I dropped some old mods and added some new ones) I launched the game, and some things have changed -- I can tell most of it is the new game update (1.6.2) but some things such as frequent and precipitous drops in FPS, bushes glitching, and my "Better Sprinklers Mod" mod by Speeder stopped working and its effects disappeared. I tried redownloading it and all that extracted into my folder was some random screenshots of the mod preview gallery. I keep my mods in a folder I named "Stardew Mods" which is in the Mods folder, but that didn't seem to be an issue before -- I just thought it was worth noting. I've Googled a bunch of things and I tried a knock-off version, but my results didn't help. I still don't know how to fix this. Please help!!

Edit: I just noticed that many other mods are also not working, including SpaceCore, Json Assets, and Ridgeside Village.

[SMAPI] Found 39 mods with warnings:
[SMAPI] Skipped mods
[SMAPI] These mods could not be added to your game.
[SMAPI] - SpaceCore 1.19.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at or

I'm still confused about why this is happening.

Edit 2: A couple of items from my chests have turned into an 'error' item -- a red circle with a line through it. I believe these items are from mods that are missing or 'mods with warnings,' according to SMAPI. Is there a way I could get these items back even if I can't get the mods back?
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