Mobile Co-op


Please add a Co-op mode for mobile device. I don't have a proper laptop or pc to play Stardew Valley, I only play on my mobile device. I really love it. Really.
A month ago, I asked my gf to play Stardew valley, and finally she agreed to instal the game on her mobile device also. She's not a gamer, she don't event know how to uses WASD in keyboard like we used to play in Pc. When she plays Stardew Valley on her mobile device, she fall in love with the game. Like, she plays the game everywhere at anytime she can. After work, at lunch, at dinner, after back home, everywhere and anywhere.
She asks me everytime when she stuck at the game, but I can't always helps her cuz I'm not with her 24/7.
I always say to her that someday when Stardew Valley has Co-op mode for mobile device, we will built our dream garden together.

So, I really really hope that u hear my wish and u make it for us.
I pray for ur whealth, health and good fortune. May god bless u for spreading all the joyness among us with this wonderful game.

Good luck and have a nice day. :heart::heart::heart: