Hey guys,
I´m currently trying to get all the golden walnuts and at Qi´s it says I need 3 more, but the parrot doesn´t give me tips anymore on where to finde them and I don´t know where to look anymore. Hoping somebody can help.
Seems we have the exact same problem. The obvious place is where 3 walnuts were offered but not retrieved. Go back to those first, which I did as well as every other source. Nada). So, hoping ConcernedApe reads these posts and adds a counting glitch fix in the next update for mobile device users (PCs have data that can be edited). Also, it would be helpful if Ape considers adding a feature in the menu which shows the number of walnuts collected from specific sources (e.g. volcano, west, north, pirate cove, etc.)..something similar to the “Achievements” lists, (e.g. which which recipes have been cooked). In retrospect, I can kick myself for not keeping track of each walnut collected to verify the count along the way. Sigh. Hate to have to abandon the game without perfection!
On the wiki there is a list of all the places you can find golden walnuts. You might want to check it to see where you possibly are missing some. Did you play the Simon Says game?
If you find the all the walnuts associated with a hint on the same day that the hint was given, the parrot will not give another hint until the next day, and will remain silent for the rest of the day.
We have no details on which walnuts you have obtained. Try to find the information on the wiki and select the clues one by one. Obviously, this is the most recommended way. However, for parrots, you can't rely on them all the time. (¬_¬)