PC Minor Auto-Grabber visual bug


When I remove something from the auto grabber and put it in my inventory but still have the menu open, and then put something back in the auto grabber before emptying it completely, it will no longer show the empty sprite for the auto grabber once you've taken everything out and will still have the white circle in the middle like there's something in it that needs to be taken. Opposite of this is if you've emptied the auto grabber so that it now has the empty sprite, and then place something back in it won't go back to the full sprite.

I'm able to repeat this any time for any item that I've had in it, and it's an issue with barns and coops. Quitting the day and reloading my save or sleeping and starting a new day will reset this bug and it will display empty or full normally again.

I'm on windows v1.5.4 via steam.