PlayStation Mines get frozen often when playing in split screen co-op in playstation 5


We are on version "v1.6.9 build 40" on a playstation 5

The problem is depicted in the video linked here, where everything in the mines level gets frozen, including the enemies.

Good to note that this only happens on the host, and not the second person in the split screen.

It happens I'd say approx on 10% of the floors I enter.

While in this state, bombs and the slingshot also don't work, the projectiles get stuck on their first frame.

You can still break rocks, and if you do the stairs might appear, in which case you can use them and then the new floor more often than not is not stuck.

It doesn't matter if I am alone in the caves or if we're both in the caves at the same time.

It also does not matter if the second player is paused or not.

There was even one case when we were together in the caves, and for me everything was stuck, but the 2nd player in the split screen could still break rocks and fight just normally.
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evergreen oak

It seems that none of the support patches actually fixed the mines and volcano issues, unfortunately. Barone and his team have a LOT of work left to do before moving on. I really hope they see it through


As of right now, is there any known workaround for this? Perhaps something we could do even as a temporary fix when this happens to us?
For example one thing I've accidentally discovered is that you can still place stairs if you have some with you, so if you find such a level you can put a stair down, move to the next level and hope that it's not frozen.
But if this happens in volcano too (we haven't gone to the island yet) then I don't see a workaround possible there 😥


We found a very reliable workaround. We *always* have the co-op player take the stairs first, and then the host follows. This way the game never freezes. We're tried that with over 100 floors so far and it has never frozen for us.
This checks out, as when my co-op player was doing solo cave runs they never froze at all, only when I was around.
So for now, this is the workaround you can do for your own playthrough too!