Mac Mines elevator allowing access to floors not yet reached during Danger in the Deep quest


This occurred during a multiplayer game with one farmhand. I (host) am playing on a Mac, and my partner plays on Windows. Both of us are on keyboard and mouse, rather than controller, and playing in English. The bug occurred on version 1.6.15 build 24356.

During our most recent play session, we activited the Danger in the Deep quest, which temporarily resets mines progress and requires you reach the bottom again with stronger monsters. On our first day, we made it to floor 15 and passed out at 2AM. The second day, we found that the mines elevator had unlocked up to floor 55, far beyond where we had reached the previous day. Both of us had access to it, and it brought us to floor 55 and allowed us to continue progress from there without having visited floors 16 through 54.

We had previously completed the regular mines, but this was our first attempt at the Danger in the Deep quest.

A couple in-game days later, we also made it to floor 119, put down a staircase, and passed out at 2AM before actually being able to descend it. Regardless, the quest was marked as complete despite us not reaching floor 120 - I am unsure if this is intended behaviour or not, but I figure it might be relevant. We did not recieve any error logs and did not encounter any other unusual behaviour.

Our save file can be downloaded here. Be warned that there may be mildly inappropriate text on signposts on this file, as it is a personal save file between me and my partner, and we are both adults. The file is provided for troubleshooting as is requested in the pinned posts, but I would not advise onlookers download it and start running around for fun.


Ammendment: While the Danger in the Deep quest was marked as complete several days before the deadline, and we were rewarded accordingly with Qi Gems, the Shrine of Challenge did not appear on floor 120 and we are unable to toggle the mines between the regular and dangerous versions. I believe it is likely that this is the result of some unusual interactions between attempting to descend a ladder at the same time as passing out at 2am.

Perhaps the quest is marked as complete as soon as you click on the ladder, but the mines are considered complete for the Shrine of Challenge to appear once you actually load into the floor? Which would result in the Shrine of Challenge failing to be unlocked after the mines return to normal the day after the quest is completed without ever actually stepping foot on floor 120. I will note that we checked floor 120 the very next day, before the quest would have ended had we not already completed it.

I also did not recieve the Steam achievement for the quest, although we were given an in-game notification for the quest completion and, again, recieved the Qi Gems for it.