Message ConcernedApe


Does anyone know how I can get a message to ConcernedApe (Eric Barone) asking for help? I posted in the Android bugs thread a long time ago but nothing changed. I am having a couple issues and it's making me really discouraged.

I play on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite which has Android Version 13. I never get the gold that gets sent in the mail by a parent, Pierre, Louis or Mr. Qi. I also am not getting credit for catching (or selling) white algae which means I cannot get the stardrop from Willy so I cannot ever reach perfection. I even tried using the item I.D. code for white algae when buying an animal from Marnie yet the game STILL didn't count it. But I didn't try that until after I had already caught it while fishing three different times.

I originally thought that this site was where CA kept up with any problems or glitches because it has a thread asking people to report them but as I said, nothing has been done to fix it and I reported the no money through the mail glitch months ago.

So, besides X (Twitter) is there any other way to get in touch with him?


Discord, this forum and email I think
Thank you. I haven't ever joined a discord and have no idea how. Do you know where I can find his email address?

Oh and I know he has an active X account but I never even had a Twitter account and really don't want to have to open an X account either but I guess I will if there's no other way.

As far as this forum goes, I just wonder if he still ever checks it or if he has someone check it anyway. Because as I said, I posted within a week after 1.5 came to mobile that I am not getting any of the gold that I am supposed to get in the mail. You know, like when Pierre sends thank you for shopping at his store gold or gold from the letters Lewis sends because you have helped a lot of the townspeople, etc. But despite updates to the game at the Play Store, that was never fixed and now I am afraid this glitch where it doesn't acknowledge the white algae won't ever be fixed either.

Us mobile players get shafted.😟