Meat, weapons and auction


Пожалуйста, добавьте нового NPC, а именно сумасшедшего ученого, который будет продавать устройство для сбора ДНК животных и устройство для создания мяса (Butcher 2000) с использованием ДНК животных (я знаю, это звучит странно)
огнестрельное оружие, а именно револьвер (можно получить у Гила за завершение путешествия короля прерий, Винчестер за достижение 50 уровня пещеры черепа, двуствольное ружье
для ремонта корабля Вилле автомат Томпсона можно купить на аукционе
пистолет 1911 можно получить в подарок от Кента с шансом 1 процент при достижении 10 сердец дружбы (у меня плохой английский если что)
новое событие - аукцион в ситцевой пустыне, где можно купить различные редкие товары от кроличьей лапки до молока иридиевой змеи и машины Томпсона.
а также добавить курорт в Пустыню Калико (аналогично курорту на Острове Джинджер)
также сделайте так, чтобы при попытке выстрелить в жителя огнестрельное оружие давало осечку.
нет необходимости добавлять анимацию перезагрузки
+ добавить зелье роста, дающее ребенку, которым он вырастет до возраста Винсента (его можно купить на аукционе за 30 миллионов)
пусть аукцион состоится в первую неделю лета

Please add a new NPC, namely a crazy scientist who will sell a device for collecting animal DNA and a device for creating meat (Butcher 2000) using animal DNA (I know it sounds strange)
firearms, namely a revolver (can be obtained from Gil for completing the journey of the prairie king, Winchester for reaching level 50 of the skull cave, a double-barreled shotgun
for the repair of the ship Ville thompson machine can be bought at auction
A 1911 pistol can be received as a gift from Kent with a 1 percent chance when reaching 10 friendship hearts (I have bad English if anything)
a new event is a chintz desert auction where you can buy a variety of rare goods from rabbit's foot to iridium snake milk and Thompson's car.
and add a resort to the Calico Desert (similar to the resort on Ginger Island)
also make it so that when you try to shoot a resident, the firearm misfires.
no need to add a reboot animation
+ add a potion of growth, giving the child to whom he will grow up to the age of Vincent (it can be bought at auction for 30 million)
let the auction take place in the first week of summer
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Please add a new npc, namely a mad scientist who will sell a device for collecting animal dna and a device for creating meat (butcher 2000) using animal dna (I know it sounds strange)
firearms, namely a revolver (can be obtained from Gil for completing the journey of the prairie king, Winchester for reaching level 50 of the skull cave, double-barreled shotgun
for Wille's ship repairs, the Thompson's automat can be bought at the auction
pistol 1911 can be obtained as a gift from Kent with a 1 percent chance upon reaching 10 hearts of friendship (I have bad English if that)
a new event namely the auction in the calico desert where you can buy various rare goods from a rabbit's foot to milk of an iridium snake and a Thompson machine
and also add the resort to the Calico Desert (similar to the resort to the Ginger Island)
I believe that a lot of these suggestions are actually in a few mods (I'm not sure which ones) Unfortunately, at this point it doesn't look likely that we will get any more large content updates for SDV. Concerned Ape has a metric whaleton of stuff on his plate, including his new game, porting 1.5 over to mobile, getting a new hotfix out for 1.5.5 for PC players, among other things. I would love nothing more than to be wrong about this. These are some interesting suggestions though. I actually haven't seen many of these as suggestions before.