Marriage Dialogue Coding Help


Hello all! I've just created an account on the forums to ask this question. I've spent the past week falling down the rabbit hole of learning how to mod and my aspirations are quickly overtaking my abilities.

What I'd love to do is create massively expanded marriage dialogue mods for all the characters but I'm trying to figure out how to do it. Here's an idea, but I'm not sure if this will work:

In the dialogue files there are ones such as this: Sat_inlaw_Abigail (I just copied this from the wiki page as it's the first example I came across)
So, of course this command will make anyone use this dialogue if the conditions are met. But would this work in the spouse dialogue files too? If I put this exact command into Abigail's dialogue file would I then create a whole new line of marriage-specific dialogue for her? or does this not work?

I hope my question is clear enough to understand what I am asking!

And in case this way DOESN'T work, what are my options for expanding the marriage dialogue? currently using this template: which I have added more lines to (added a new line for every day of the year and for all days/hearts of spring which were missing!)


I don't think that key would work in marriage dialogue, no. Here's a list of all the ones that do work:
However, if you want to expand the dialogue further, you can also create custom marriage schedules and add new dialogue strings for some of the locations the NPC visits.

For example:
1100 SeedShop 13 20 0 \"Strings\\schedules\\Abigail:MarriageSeedShopAbi

the text of which you can edit with "Target": "Strings/schedules/Abigail",

And you can even randomize the message by adding {{Random:D1, D2, D3 etc...}} to the schedule, in which case the string edit would be MarriageSeedShopAbiD1, MarriageSeedShopAbiD2, and so on. Might want to use shorter names in that case, though.

And you can also randomize the existing marriage dialogue even further, if the limited number of lines aren't enough for you. Like so, for example:
"Indoor_Day_1": "{{Random: Hey, how are you? @@ Hey, what's up? @@ Hey, there's even more random dialogue here. |inputSeparator=@@}}"


And you can also randomize the existing marriage dialogue even further, if the limited number of lines aren't enough for you. Like so, for example:
"Indoor_Day_1": "{{Random: Hey, how are you? @@ Hey, what's up? @@ Hey, there's even more random dialogue here. |inputSeparator=@@}}"

First of all, I really appreciate you taking the time to help!

I tried the random dialogue you mentioned here but Content Patcher seems majorly unhappy about it. Not sure what went wrong there. SMAPI screenshot included here :happy:



Might help if you posted what your code looks like. The error just makes it sound like you didn't provide any values for the random token to choose from.


Might help if you posted what your code looks like. The error just makes it sound like you didn't provide any values for the random token to choose from.
haha.. that would be because that's exactly what happened. I forgot to delete two empty lines. :sweat:
I was apparently Very Tired last night while trying to finish it up.