Make the Pirates Wife faded photograph quest more clear.


Spoiler alert I guess.

I suggest to add a dialog for every NPC reacting to the faded photograph. It is not obvious what you should do with it. All the subsequent items in the quest chain are straight forward but the photo needs more attention.

Let me break down my experience below:
First I tried to give it to Leo since he lives on the same island where the shipwreck is. -No reaction.
Next I showed it to every single pirate in the pirate cove party. -No reaction.
Next I showed it to the wizard as he might be able to speak with the dead or whatever. -No reaction.
Next I showed it to the old mariner standing in the rain giving out marriage pendants. -No reaction.
After that I gave up on showing it to NPC-s as I thought it would be used in some other way.
Turns out I was supposed to give it to Kent. Great.


For me, guessing Kent was much easier than some of the next items (e.g, I had to read in the wiki about the "rose" and "crystal").

Kent was my first guess because the photo contained soldiers and Kent was the person who had just returned from the war.


Partially agreed.

It took me a while to even figure out I could give or show the photo to villagers. I thought it would be placed somewhere, so I thoroughly searched Ginger Island (especially the shipwreck area), and then, when I found nothing, stored it away until it occurred to me that I could try giving it to villagers.

((I had one failed try with two of the other items (tried giving the salt to someone wrong, and the remote to Pam because of "Pam Needs Juice"), but the rest were very straightforward.))