Make it so Fish Ponds can be used to cultivate Green Algae, White Algae, and Seaweed.


We can already do this with Coral, so why not these?

Make it so the default capacity is already at 10 (like Coral is) and have them “reproduce” every 2 days (like Coral does). Then, when the population reaches 9-10, grant them a decent chance to produce a fair amount (5-10?) of Green Algae, White Algae, and Seaweed (respectively) in the little bucket each day.

This would be especially helpful with Seaweed, because there is no reliable way to farm it (meanwhile, green/white algae can at least be farmed via culling particular monsters in the mines).


Personally don't care about the white/green algae as they are pretty easy to obtain via monster drops as you said, though I can see it being a fair addition.

Seaweed for sure. I've been driving myself mad this week trying to get enough of it, would welcome the chance to harvest it through fish ponds. It would make so much sense.