Make an accessory slot for wedding rings

Lew Zealand

I recently got married in my co-op world and really love having wedding rings with my spouse but since we only have 2 ring slots it’s better to fill with useful jewelry. It would be amazing to have a slot accessory for rings that give no buff just so you can wear a wedding ring to show devotion.
I love this idea, this should top of the list for 1.6.the next number!
I've always thought it was weird to have a wedding ring at all. I would prefer a pendant (like everyone else gets) and make a slot for it that adds on below the trinket slot. There could even be a roommate pendant that allows a farmhand to move into the farmhouse without marriage.


Or at least being able to 'tailor' wedding rings so the get the properties of another ring, like you can do with shoes.

You could even gift your girlfriend a ring with special properties to woo them.