Xbox "Machines Ready" count doubled on Farm Computer


The following machines, to list a few for example when ready, are counted 2x towards total "Machine Ready" count from the Farm computer when inside the farmhouse.

- Crystalariums
- Statue of Endless Fortune
- Recycling machines
- Bait machines

For example, harvest all available machines around the farm and confirm farm computer now shows 0 machines Ready.
Line-up 5 Crystalariums and 5 recycling machines inside the farmhouse and when they are ready for harvest the farm computer will show 20 devices ready. Harvest the 5 Crystalariums and the computer now shows 10 devices ready. Harvest the remaining 5 Recycling machines and the farm computer shows zero (0) ready. (Leaving some machines ready to harvest within the house results in whatever machines remain in the house being doubled on the computer.)

Take the 5 Crystalariums and the 5 recycling machines and re-place them outside the farmhouse. The Farm Computer shows the correct count of 10 machines ready. Place them back inside the farmhouse and the doubling occurs.

Other machines outside the farmhouse appear to be counted correctly.
Tappers, dehydrators, beehives, stumps, etc, all appear to be counted singly.

FYI, casks do not appear to be counted on the Farm Computer. Example: Have a cask ready for harvest in the Cellar and no count is displayed on farm computer.