Mac Lost my save


I had a 60+ hour save (Spring, Year 2) that I have been working on for weeks. I messed up one day and tried to follow the wiki instructions to undo the last save. I'm not sure what went wrong, but now my entire save is gone (not listed on the "Load" page). Is there any way to get it back?


That depends on what you did to the save file.

wiki said:
  1. Find your save files.
    You should see two files with an _old suffix in the name; if not, ask for help instead!
  2. Back up your save folder just in case.
  3. Delete SaveGameInfo and the file that looks like FarmName_123456789.
  4. Remove the _old suffix from SaveGameInfo_old and the file that looks like FarmName_123456789_old.
If you followed step 2 and made a backup, you should be able to load that back into the folder. If you messed up the name, you can rename it. If you deleted files without backup, check your recycling bin.

what exactly did you do and what files did you have? Can you provide screenshots?