PC Looking for RP


Hi! This is my first time posting on forums, so if this is in the wrong section, do let me know and I'll correct it.

Edit: Editing to add on that I am 18+, and would prefer if anyone I play with is around that range too.

Anyways- for a long time I've been craving a Stardew Valley RP on the game. I've roleplayed before BUT never on the game, not sure if I even need voice chat (which I do not have). The story will just develop on its own (since I have nothing to work with except for a character concept)


+ her Voice Claim

Aisling (Pronounced ASH-LING), was orphaned at a young age because her biological parents were just financially insecure and unprepared to have a kid (They wanted her, BUT believed that they weren't able to give her a good life considering their situation at the time). She was adopted out by a fairly old couple who had fertility issues when they were younger.

Her step father was a retired doctor and her step mother was a bookkeeper. The minute Aisling explored his study, she wanted to learn more about medicine and he obliged- so as she got older she was pretty close to her father.

She was 23 when her parents had purchased a house on a farm for her to go as a gift for her, and since then- she would start to grow fruits, veggies, herbs, and other plants.

Anyways, if anyone's interested: Just reply down here or just toss a Discord message my way! Kip#7761.

Looking foward to getting to know you and roleplay!
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