PC Looking for Players!


25 y/o looking for friendly people to play with! Haven't play in awhile but I have about 80 hours on the game and none of my friends want to commit to a play through. Message me here or reply with your DC and we can chat! (text prefferably but voice is okay too)
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I will probably be playing in about an hour. The farm is up and running. I just have the clock stopped with the TimeSpeed mod, and my farmer is sitting down in front of my house. You can join and play around, but the clock is stopped at 1:43 p.m. until I join soon and start it again. Enjoy and feel free to grab all the forage around the valley! Invite code: F20YK9SVWKM

I'd prefer to use discord chat for the most fun. hawstom#2915
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Well, I got impatient and started playing it solo to Spring 9. Whoops! Someday I will learn how to connect and play nice together.


I have the TimeSpeed mod and others that only affect myself (like UI Info Suite). I can disable TimeSpeed or just not use it if desired.


If you want to set up a time slot, we can run through a few weeks of Spring on a new farm together. Connect with me on Discord to set something up if you want. hawstom#2915