Looking for a map redesign of the Mines...


A while back I came across a really pretty map for the Mines. It was linked from another mod's page on Nexus because they were in the mines in a screenshot and posted links to all the mods shown. The map itself was on Naver. I didn't download it at the time because I was too tired to translate everything to know the requirements. So of course.... now that I want to try using it, I can't find it. @.@ I don't remember which mod linked to it, and I can't find that one either. So does anyone here have an idea of the mod I'm talking about for the Mines? I feel like the rest of my maps are so pretty, I'd love some extra detail in the Mines and Caverns too. I'll take any other suggestions as well. („• ᴗ •„)


I feel like I never see changes to the mines (probably because you have to provide data for every floor that you change. I only see like 2 mine changes on Nexus, and neither of them necessarily "prettify the mines". The only place I've heard of people uploading mods like that is on Naver. But I think Naver went away... or isn't supported. Something like that.