Issue Loading into farm kicks me to the main screen


So I had used, tested, and removed the "Market Day" as for one, I didn't really like it, and two, I had a sneaking suspicion that it may have been the cause for not receiving the letter to begin repairing the boat to Ginger Island. I have already deleted the folder that has my farm name with a number behind it, and I left the file that has '_old' and just removed the '_old', but it's still not working. Any other ideas of how I can recover my farm, because I really do not want to restart all over again.

Edit: I've tried putting back in the mod that I'm pretty sure is the problem, but it didn't fix it, so I'm completely at a loss on what to do. I've even verified the integrity of the the files in steam (since that's where I have Smapi launching from). I've provided the latest error log, I don't know how to read it, so I hope it helps.


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