Switch Loading Coffee Beans into Kegs quickly


One issue that has been in the game for a long while is the process of loading Coffee Beans into Kegs quickly. Most other crops can be quick-loaded by running past Kegs in a row or column. However, Coffee Beans don't do that. At least not horizontally. You can do it easily if the Kegs are placed in a column, but if you want to load them horizontally then they have to be done one... at... a... time...

Unsure whether this affects any other version of the game, but it affects the Switch version, and has done for the longest time.

I'd like to propose that it is fixed so that the Kegs can be quick-loaded with Coffee Beans like every other machine in the game.


One issue that has been in the game for a long while is the process of loading Coffee Beans into Kegs quickly. Most other crops can be quick-loaded by running past Kegs in a row or column. However, Coffee Beans don't do that. At least not horizontally. You can do it easily if the Kegs are placed in a column, but if you want to load them horizontally then they have to be done one... at... a... time...

Unsure whether this affects any other version of the game, but it affects the Switch version, and has done for the longest time.

I'd like to propose that it is fixed so that the Kegs can be quick-loaded with Coffee Beans like every other machine in the game.
GRRRR YES I want to load my coffee while twirling like a little princess is that too much to ask!? :petrified::skull::heartrip:

Lew Zealand

Loading Coffee Beans into a horizontal row of Kegs is an annoyance on PC as well and I've learned to set up my Kegs vertically because of this. Not sure of the reason, I've always assumed it had something to do with it being 5 Beans to load instead of a single, but now with the Dehydrator which loads the same way, that idea can be tested. Does it have this problem? I only have one Dehydrator so can't comment whether it also has the same loading problem.


Please fix this! It is very annoying and tedious when making large quantities of coffee. The dehydrator does not have this issue nor does the heavy furnace so the multiple items per batch is not the issue.
others have notes that maybe it’s related to the fact that coffee beans are also seeds
Either way, loading coffee into kegs should not be any more or less difficult than loading any other item, period.