little general appreciation post for mod authors & devs

hi! :awe:

i've been playing the game on and off since the summer of 2022. i'll be playing for months to never at all and then come back to it again later on. due to some changes in my life, i hadn't played the game again for almost a year now and came back just in time for 1.6 (which i'm sooo hyped about btw :bear:) but paused to wait for my mods to update because i am, you guessed it, one of those people lol. over 500 mods. i can't remember the last time i've seen any part of the vanilla game and i haven't gone far enough into it before i started modding, but i genuinely adore the support for modding in this community and from CA himself. it's such a rare thing and i'm sure i would still enjoy the game itself without mods, but having the ability to curate my experience to crazy extents is simply.. amazing and so comforting. stardew is something i can come back to at any point in time because of all the people who make it possible for me to mod my game, and i'm super thankful for all of you. i try to comment my appreciation under mods pages as much as i can, but it slips my mind sometimes so i wanted to pour my feelings into this post. well, i hope this was the right page for this sort of post, i just can't find the right prefix for my post! but with that aside,

mod authors out there and honestly, even just those other players in these forums or other relevant websites who aren't mod authors but help other players update mods, thank you! i have an account i used here that i forgot the email for but i used to lurk on here with it. i'd often look for unofficial updates here. you all are lifesavers! and the original mod authors, i wouldn't even be able to mod at all without you guys!! your mods make my game feel even more complete and livelier. the artists who use their own art for their mods, you guys are insane! thank you so much!! commissioners, you guys provide just as much for the community, thank you!!

i have so many mod authors whose mods i enjoy, i can't name all of them but wow, it's overwhelming how much i've had people share things with me and so many other people out of the kindness of their hearts and their pure enjoyment of the game. thank you.

to the one and only ConcernedApe for making the game, thank you. salute to you sir for working so much love into this game. it's been one of my favorite games ever since i've started it. you're crazy for making your game more optimized for modding, and that's absolutely why there's such a loyal fanbase. well-deserved! you bet i recommend the game to every person i can talk about it with, vanilla or modded!

and, Pathoschild, i see you! you are the reason so many of my mods still work and for that, i'm deeply thankful. every update i've been through with mods has you keeping afloat any of my mods that have authors who've left. i'm sure those authors are also grateful to have someone who can maintain their works after all the efforts they've spent on them. you've done so much for the modding community that i'm sure i, as a casual still somewhat new player and modder, haven't even heard about but i'm feeling them through the game itself!

i don't wanna make this post any longer but i rly just wanted to share this. mods/admins, please lmk if i have to move this post elsewhere though or if i need to shorten this. all of you, have a great day! :flower: if you also wanna send some words love, support, and or thanks, feel free to share it here!!