Lazy fishing


Would it be possible to have an option for "lazy fishing" that we could activate, either at the start of a new game or that we could activate and close at any time (whichever is easiest to implement)?

The option could work like this: when a fish bites, just clicking (or pressing whatever command it is on consoles) would reel in the fish (with a percentage of missing it dependent on your fishing skill), no mini-game involved. As a counter-balance, if needed, the mastery of the fishing skill could be slower to raise.

I like the fishing in games like Rune Factory and Story of seasons for that. I like fishing, but my skill in the Stardew Valley fishing mini-game is abysmal, and unfortunately you REQUIRE fishing for some bundles (I have caught 4 things in total in my game, only half of those things being fish)


Do you play on PC? There is an easy fishing mod.

If not, do you use the training rod? It makes things a lot easier in the beginning.

I agree, being able to switch off the mini game would be cool. By now I've got the hang of it, but it still annoys me.


Staff member
I think unfortunately for this suggestion, the inclusion of the Training Rod in 1.4 probably means we won't be seeing an option to make fishing significantly easier. Who knows though!


I have to agree with this suggestion, as my brains have ben damaged since i was 11 due to an accident, and playing SDV made my life.... well, first it helped nearly nothing, but timespeed mod made it VERY good, and then fishing i used to avoid, just getting crab pots, but the fishing mod made me able to enjoy the game's fishing and everything related to it, open for me :)
The training rod still requires acting fast, and cannot catch all fish, also low quality only.

I am happy i bought SDV on PC, but i hope the game itself will someday have this as option or something.
As for balancing, i don't care, as i play it to have a relaxation time in life.
I hope for console players it'll be nicer in the future, too!

Lew Zealand

Would it be possible to have an option for "lazy fishing" that we could activate, either at the start of a new game or that we could activate and close at any time (whichever is easiest to implement)?

The option could work like this: when a fish bites, just clicking (or pressing whatever command it is on consoles) would reel in the fish (with a percentage of missing it dependent on your fishing skill), no mini-game involved. As a counter-balance, if needed, the mastery of the fishing skill could be slower to raise.

I like the fishing in games like Rune Factory and Story of seasons for that. I like fishing, but my skill in the Stardew Valley fishing mini-game is abysmal, and unfortunately you REQUIRE fishing for some bundles (I have caught 4 things in total in my game, only half of those things being fish)
Fishing was a real pain in the rear in my first playthrough, but then so was Combat and there were a great many things I was completely ignorant of, knowledge of any of which would have helped. For example: a Horse is fast. You need more time in-game, so get a Horse ASAP.

But Fishing. If you're playing on PC/Mac/Linux, it will get better. I haven't gotten to Fishing on my phone yet but I anticipate it's a bit different. Even in my second major save on PC, my fishing from the start was vastly improved and now on my third, it's really a fun and lucrative pastime/minigame.

Best advice I can think of is: try fishing on rainy days with Average/Bad Luck (if you have Good Luck, go Mining!), and get the feel of how it works. If you'd told me in that first playthrough that I'd enjoy Fishing so much now, I'd have asked you if I look like a fool? Of course the answer is still yes, but for a different reason this time!