Solved Json asset issues


after coming back to play modded stardew I had to update a lot of my mods, and decided to try to make a clean slate and get the required version of mods I need for the version of stardew (1.5.4) I'm playing.
When I launched my game after downloading all the mods I intended on using/needed I got this error log [ ] and not sure how to fix it.
Any help solving this issue would be appreciated.


after coming back to play modded stardew I had to update a lot of my mods, and decided to try to make a clean slate and get the required version of mods I need for the version of stardew (1.5.4) I'm playing.
When I launched my game after downloading all the mods I intended on using/needed I got this error log [ ] and not sure how to fix it.
Any help solving this issue would be appreciated.
You could try to very your game files.

It looks like a system file is missing "System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Error loading "Content\Maps\springobjects.xnb". File not found."