Issues with "colliding" with crops


I’m relatively new to modding, have been having a blast so far. I am hoping someone can help me with this. I started working on a new farm layout cloned from the basic farm map, and am not sure what I did to break the crops. I have some parsnips ready to go, but can’t walk through them and get an error code as soon as my player walks into them. I can still harvest, but every time I “collide” with a crop I get the same error. My SmapiLog is here I’m sure it’s just something silly, but any info or direction pointing would be much appreciated!

I am wondering if I accidentally deleted a map property in Tiled or something and can just add it back in? Anyways, thanks for looking this over and helping if you can.


For context, was this save copied from an existing save, or did you start a new game on this map?
Hi Blade! I started a new game with this map and didn't test out the crops until I was at the point when I thought I was already done. I had gone in and edited the map a few times after I had loaded it up for this and that, so that's probably the issue isn't it?

Edit: Omg... just started a new farm but with the same map and everything is working perfectly, no red text or anything. Lifesaver, thanks! Super simple fix, just didn't even think of it. I'll insert the whole "sorry I'm new" here and go hide for a bit