Issue with Red Slimes in Crimson Badlands


Hello guys I'm having an issue where every time I enter the crimson badlands I have thousands upon thousands of red slimes spawning. They make my game go from running perfectly to barely playable where I'm chugging around the map.
If I use a return scepter my game goes back to running perfectly. I tried going invincible with the tractor mod and setting it where I can attack them with my sword while I drive through. I've cleared thousands but then I go back the next day and the area is still full.
I tried setting the spawn rate lower from the Farm type manager settings and I think it stopped new enemies from spawning cause I'm not being attacked by any serpents but the slimes are all still there.
I tried using the remove monsters mod and I haven't seen any difference in the badlands (or the regular mine) with that mod but that's just a side point.
Any ideas on how I can remove the slimes from that area?

Here's my log as well: