Issue Issue with Map Editor Extended


i know the mod is not officially updated for 1.6 and that the mod author is no longer active. i'm not looking for any update but maybe just if anyone else has run into this problem and found a solution. i asked around as well and searched for anyone talking about it but i havent seen anything. the author's discord has been shut down so if was resolved there i will not know.
:( i am not really expecting anyone to really know but!! i rather exhaust all my options.

i'm trying to edit the inn in east scarp and when i place down a tile, I get the following error:
13:58:15ERRORMap Editor ExtendedThis mod failed in the Input.ButtonPressed event. Technical details: System.Exception: The tile contains an invalid TileSheet reference at xTile.Tiles.TileArray.set_Item(Int32 x, Int32 y, Tile value) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\xTileSource\xTile\Tiles\TileArray.cs:line 64 at StardewValley.InteriorDoor.closeDoorTiles() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Locations\InteriorDoor.cs:line 164 at StardewValley.InteriorDoorDictionary.MakeMapModifications() in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Locations\InteriorDoorDictionary.cs:line 73 at StardewValley.GameLocation.MakeMapModifications_PatchedBy<aedenthorn.MapEdit__FlashShifter.SVECode>(GameLocation this, Boolean force) at MapEdit.ModEntry.UpdateCurrentMap(Boolean force) in C:\Users\poiqwe\source\repos\StardewValleyMods\MapEdit\MapActions.cs:line 328 at MapEdit.ModEntry.PasteCurrentTile() in C:\Users\poiqwe\source\repos\StardewValleyMods\MapEdit\TileActions.cs:line 53 at MapEdit.ModEntry.Input_ButtonPressed(Object sender, ButtonPressedEventArgs e) in C:\Users\poiqwe\source\repos\StardewValleyMods\MapEdit\HelperEvents.cs:line 165 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events.ManagedEvent`1.Raise(TEventArgs args)

i can edit with no issue. but leaving the inn I am hit with a repeating error. the game is then stuck on a black screen and i have to force close the game. i havent done extensive testing of maps but other east scarp locations didnt give the error.

i can roll back if i delete the .json so it's not like save ruining. just something i would like to solve hehe. thank you!