Question Is it safe to play?


You mean that "could not be parsed" at the beginning? it is probably due to something that happened while you tried to parse the SMAPI. The log itself seems normal (I mean it looks like a log -- it has a bunch of errors).
Look at the section "Skipped mods". I don't know what to do with those Vortex errors (I don't use Vortex), can you add the mods otherwise or should you give up? SVE is missing a dependency, and is itself a dependency, so adding that dependecy (Esca.CustomNPCExclusions) should fix that.

The worst you can get is a messed up save, anyway.


ah yea im now looking into what im missing for SVE and the skipped mods are ones i removed before starting a new game idk why its still reading them like that lol. Thank you for replying.