Is it safe to place machines in the Witch's Swamp area?

If I were to place a Bait Maker and several Fish Smokers in the fishable Swamp area between the Witch's Hut and the "portal" to the cave at the Spa area, would there ever be a risk of them either "mysteriously disappearing" or getting trampled on?
It should be fine; no villagers go there. Planning to smoke some void salmon?
As I'm playing Stardew Expanded, I plan to smoke Void Eels. It can be very lucrative... *if* I don't catch "an impressive collection of trash" using my Void Eel bait

I was curious if the Witch ever uses her hut for any reason. Such would be a reason for machines mysteriously disappearing from that location


As I'm playing Stardew Expanded, I plan to smoke Void Eels. It can be very lucrative... *if* I don't catch "an impressive collection of trash" using my Void Eel bait

I was curious if the Witch ever uses her hut for any reason. Such would be a reason for machines mysteriously disappearing from that location
Oh, dear. You'd better check Expanded to find out if anyone uses those areas. Perhaps to find out for yourself, you could place empty chests and see if they get moved around.


Local Legend
Yep! it's a perfectly good spot, there aren't any npcs that go there nor does the map reset every time you enter like the mines or every night like the volcano.

Good luck with your fishing


Local Legend
Oh, dear. You'd better check Expanded to find out if anyone uses those areas. Perhaps to find out for yourself, you could place empty chests and see if they get moved around.
Oh, playing expanded... I think it's much the same but I'm not entirely sure, the mod has a pretty expansive (heh) wiki though so check that out (or test yourself)