Question Installing SMAPI on Linux

Can't find out how to install smapi on linux. Can't seem to find any good resources to help me find out what to do next. I've got the file loaded and ready, but it keeps showing me some cryptic 4-line code. What should I do next?
Screenshot 2023-02-28 4.52.53 AM.png


Just execute it!
Open a console window, go to the directory and write ./install on
Then follow the directions (it is asking whether you wish to install or unistall and then whether dark or light looks better)

(you are a beginning linux user aren't you?)


You wrote the command into the file instead of executing it.
I presume you opened the file from graphic interface, and got it opened
with the default editor. You need the command window. Should find it from the auxiliary programs or the like.
Symbol looking like a black square or something possibly with a > or $.

It's like the command prompt in Windows. Like the o-o-o-old DOS... (not Denial of Service, Dirty(???) operation system.

When I go into my SMAPI-installer directory (folder), it looks like that: Text showing on console bolded

laura@Claudius:~/Pelit/smapi/SMAPI 3.18.2 installer for developers$ ls -l
total 20
-rwxr-xr-x 1 laura laura 64 tammi 9 11:15 'install on'
-rwxr-xr-x 1 laura laura 107 tammi 9 11:15 'install on macOS.command'
-rw-r--r-- 1 laura laura 1223 tammi 9 11:15 'install on Windows.bat'
drwxrwxr-x 5 laura laura 4096 tammi 9 11:15 internal
-rw-r--r-- 1 laura laura 2267 tammi 9 11:15 README.txt

ls -l gives folder listing with file information (permissions, owner (I'm Laura) date
(my installation is in Finnish "tammi" is sort for tammikuu 'January')

Now I look at the install file:

laura@Claudius:~/Pelit/smapi/SMAPI 3.18.2 installer for developers$ cat install\ on\

cd "`dirname "$0"`"
laura@Claudius:~/Pelit/smapi/SMAPI 3.18.2 installer for developers$

First line shows the command to type the file (cat) and filename. \ is escape showing that a space is a part of the filename, not starting a new string.

laura@Claudius:~/Pelit/smapi/SMAPI 3.18.2 installer for developers$ ./install\ on\
Extracting install files...

Hi there! I'll help you install or remove SMAPI. Just a few questions first.

Which text looks more readable?

[1] Dark text on light background
[2] Light text on dark background

Type 1 or 2, then press enter.

You should see a prompt ending in $ and containing path information when you give the command.

Remove the line you added into the file before you start to execute it!
(if you don't do that my guess is that the last line restarts the program...)
CTRL+C stops the execution if you forget.
I'm on an HP x360 chromebook. Is this the thing I should be looking for? When I open the terminal app that you describe as an auxiliary program, there's not a convenient button that I can know for a fact is the command window. Thanks for all that you're done so far! Also I'm sorry if I'm bugging you with my inexperience and general lack of computer literacy.
Screenshot 2023-03-03 9.18.51 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-03-03 9.23.02 PM.png


That should be it. The icon and name sound right. But if the picture below is what you get, I'm also at loss. You should get something where you can write commands.
Hey, I found something...

Maybe that helps.

Those thingies try to be so handy that the basic tools are hidden...
Screenshot 2024-05-01 9.18.03 PM.png

to open the command center, or wherever you type the code into, click on where its highlighted. although I've followed along with all of the steps here, and tried the link to seek any further help, I get met with a "No such file or directory" or this

Screenshot 2024-05-01 9.23.36 PM.png

am I doing something wrong?
did I copy it wrong?
I kinda have no clue past here