Inside Hard Gold Thing


Okay, puzzle solving is not something I generally enjoy and I therefore avoid playing those games that require it. This game, at least until I reached Ginger Island had few difficult puzzle quests. The puzzle type quests were easy to solve and with so much else to enjoy about the game I persevered.

But here on Ginger Island the puzzles are anything but easily solved.

Now I am at the second puzzle: Inside Hard Gold Thing. To complete this, do I need to pick up gems that birds supposedly drop on rainy days until I get the one I need to place on the Gem Bird Shrine? I presume this would mean going to the island to see if it is raining and then immediately return home and try again the next day repeating this scenario until I eventually get the right gem for the shrine.

What is the easiest way to complete this puzzle.

As always, thank you for your help.


Firstly, you don't have to do the parrot things in order or anything. They're not intended to be puzzles so much as random hints about any of the golden walnuts you have not yet found, which will change each day. So you can just ignore this for now and explore the rest of the island, if you prefer.

The "inside a hard gold thing" hint may make more sense after you explore the island for a while and find more stuff. It refers to golden coconuts, which you'll occasionally get by shaking coconut trees or talking to the island trader you'll unlock later, and which can be broken at Clint's.

The Gem Bird shrine is completely different from that. The intended way is to just keep checking for rainy days, yes. Also, once you get one or two of the gems you can just try all the options to brute-force the other ones. Or if you're on PC you can upload your save file to the Stardew Valley Predictor website which will tell you the gems.

If you really don't want to do any puzzles, you can also check out the Stardew wiki, which has a complete list of where all the walnuts are.


Wish I could play the Ginger Island blind again. It was fun. And am glad I avoided going to the wiki. The gem birds can be done whenever. Same with everything else. It isn't a race. Slowly but surely you'll find more and more golden walnuts. Just do different things on the island, and you'll get most of them naturally.

I felt more stupid for not figuring out how to cross that damn lava river until... a million times later.

Hill Myna

There isn't really any "have to" in Ginger Island. I thought of it as a fun break that I'd take every 2-3 in game days, and there'd always be a new experience waiting for me!


Thank you everyone for your replies.. From what you all say I think I am just a bit uptight about figuring everything out right away. I will spend more time just exploring and, hopefully, more things will fall in to place and I will find more walnuts! And what a bod there Pangaearocks!!