I'd love Craft Brewery options (expanding brew options for SDV)


I'd really love to see some re-categorization and additions to the brewing options in SDV.

The existing options are okay but they could really use some expansion.

Existing brews are "Beer" and "Pale Ale", additions with existing crops could be

-Gluten Free Beer (From Amaranth)
-Corn Beer/Chicha (From Corn)
-Light Beer (Unmilled Rice)
-Sake (Milled Rice)
-Pumpkin Ale (Pumpkins)
-Potato Beer (Potatoes)
-Sweet Potato Beer (Yams and Snow Yams)
-Root Ale (Winter Roots and Cave Carrots)
-Dandelion Ale (Dandelions)

New Crops could be added to expand these options

-Barley, which could brew into Lager
-Oats, which could brew into Porter or Stout
-Rye, which could brew into Roggenbier
-Buckwheat, which could brew into Gluten Free beer
-Grains like Sorghum, Millet and Teff which are commonly used in Africa and Asia to make beer
-Farro grains, ancient types of wheat which could still be used to make beer
-Job's Tears ancient Asian grain which used to be made into ales
-Wild Rice/Zizania is also now be used to brew beers
-Quinoa another fashionable crop that can be used in brewing

Changes to existing brews

If new brews were added Beer made from wheat should be changed into Hefeweizen or Witbier, German and Belgian style wheat beers respectively.

New foraging items could also be added like Spruce Tips (which could fall off pines trees) for Spruce Beer, Bog Myrtle to make Gruit Ales or wild Chicory to make Chicory stout.

Wild grains could also be added, there are dozens of wild cereals and pseudocereals which can be used to make flouer or beer, many of which used to be cultivated. From Crabgrass that pops up on the farm as a weed, Flint Corn in the Fall, Mojave Buckwheat in the desert or just a generic "wild grains" which could make Wild Ale.

Hope others find this interesting.
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The dandelions could probably be used for chicory stout--the two plants are pretty closely related! And rather than sweet potato beer from the snow yams (I would love to have something to do with those!!!), it would be soju, a Korean distilled alcohol. That would need a keg to start and then time in a cask, or it would have some kind of negative effect, like a headache that temporarily lowers energy levels. In addition, being able to combine tree fruits with mead in a keg could be really great; timing could be partway between mead and wine, and it would pop 2 bottles of X fruit mead.

The one other one that I can think of would be winter lager; that's a beer that you can only brew in kegs placed in a cave/underground area in winter--there could be a range of possible places, like the fruit/mushroom cave, the entrance to the mines, Krobus' sewer area, the basement of the farmer's house, etc.


The dandelions could probably be used for chicory stout--the two plants are pretty closely related! And rather than sweet potato beer from the snow yams (I would love to have something to do with those!!!), it would be soju, a Korean distilled alcohol. That would need a keg to start and then time in a cask, or it would have some kind of negative effect, like a headache that temporarily lowers energy levels. In addition, being able to combine tree fruits with mead in a keg could be really great; timing could be partway between mead and wine, and it would pop 2 bottles of X fruit mead.

The one other one that I can think of would be winter lager; that's a beer that you can only brew in kegs placed in a cave/underground area in winter--there could be a range of possible places, like the fruit/mushroom cave, the entrance to the mines, Krobus' sewer area, the basement of the farmer's house, etc.
I've got no issues with Soju being in the game, but it's really a distilled spirit rather than a brewed beer. It would require distillation in a still, which I'm also all for having in game as well!


In shoemet style...there could be much more recipes and possibilities what we can make out of crops etc.

Love the idea!