I want to remove the green smokes of the Wizard cauldron. How can I find the animation file.


I tried as well, and I also couldn't find any sprites that looked quite like the cauldron smoke. My best guess is that it's something from the "animations.png" file with a green color mask over it. If you've unpacked the game content, this should be in the "TileSheets" folder. You can unpack the content with this wiki guide.

However, a more effective way would probably be to change the cauldron to not emit smoke at all, since that would prevent any issues with sprites being reused. I'm not really sure where in the code that is, though.


I tried to modify the color of the part with the sprites, similar to that green smoke in "animations" and "temporary sprites". I checked it in the game, but there was no change. But thank you for your answer. Thanks.