i now have boots. how do i put them on

Lew Zealand

And look at the feet of your sprite, different Boots have different colors so you can mix n match with different outfits. Have fun!


how do you fish? i am using the learning rod. i still have not caught a fish. plenty of trash though. it doesnt bring me any money though. what do you lput the grewen bar to get the yellow bar to the highest point? i get it almost tot he highest point and then it starts to fall and i lose the fish. frustrating!!!


Staff member
i still have not caught a fish. plenty of trash though.
It sounds like you may be trying to fish on your farm, you'll want to go to a spot outside your farm. If you open the map you'll see a lot of places you can go to fish, the lake by the mountain, the beach, or the river that runs through the town and forest.
Once you've got a fish on your line, you want to try to keep the fish inside the green bar. I would recommend "tapping" the button to control how the green bar moves, don't hold down.


i tried fishing at the beach, fthe rived from rthe mine, south of marnies ranch. i did catch two chubs nowd but i am playing on the xbox. that controller is hard. my typing is off also. left hand is numb from military injury bdut i have to figure it out. i really like the game and my wife so far don't hollar when i play it. i thought is was the lefts button to go up and down and the right button controls the green box. maybe it is only the green box i have to worry about but it moves so fast.


Using the training rod is a great start because it makes the green box bigger. It will get bigger with each level you gain for fishing (the training rod sets it to level 5).

Try fishing at the lake in front of the mine. It has some of the easiest fish in the game. Carps really don't move much so you can usually catch them without doing anything.

You only need to worry about the green box moving up and down. Each click on the controller moves it up a little bit, and while you don't click it moves down. You'll have to find a balance of clicking, don't hold the button down.

Once you get to level three, you can also make or buy crab pots. Place them in the ocean or any other body of water and put bait in, and then harvest then every day to get some fishing experience.

Once you reach level six, you can buy an iridium fishing rod where you can attach bait and a tackle. There are lots of tackles you can make and some make fishing a lot easier.