Question I need help

S t e p h

Well I have two mods I would like to use to edit some item/crop textures but i would like to be able to choose which sprites exactly to use for each mod. The thing is, one of the mods has the option to enable and disable each texture separately in its config.json, which is great! However the other does not give me that same option, sadly.
so now i'm a little uncertain about what to do. Could I delete such sprites that I don't want to use from its tilesheet without any problems or is there some other way for a mod to overlap the other, or maybe someone can teach me how to combine them..? I may be sounding stupid or confusing right now, forgive me,
I'm still a beginner working on the technical part of mods.

I would be happy if someone could help me with that, and thanks in advance! :sprout::hlevel:

Edit: In case anyone is wondering these are the mods:

Peachy objects (Does not have the option to activate and deactivate separately)
Better crops and Foraging (Has the option to activate and deactivate separately)
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You can go into the mod's Content.json and comment out the patches you don't want with a \\ at the beginning of the line!

S t e p h

You can go into the mod's Content.json and comment out the patches you don't want with a \\ at the beginning of the line!
Thank you so much for your reply! I just opend the Content.json.. I'll try to do this but if its not much to ask, could you show me how the lines should look at the end for example? I just wanna make sure i wrote the "\\" in the right place

again I'm sorry if its a bother-