I need help trying to figure out how to download Stardew Valley Linux on my Chromebook


So I just bought a Chromebook I’ve never owned one before. I don’t know how any of this works. I bought Stardew Valley on GOG and I downloaded it and from there on I don’t know how to play it. I would really appreciate it if somebody could walk me through step-by-step on how I fix this because it’s driving me nuts.


So I just bought a Chromebook I’ve never owned one before. I don’t know how any of this works. I bought Stardew Valley on GOG and I downloaded it and from there on I don’t know how to play it. I would really appreciate it if somebody could walk me through step-by-step on how I fix this because it’s driving me nuts.
I found this guide with a bit of googling:

Edit: I‘m not a Linux user though so I understand about 4% of what they’re saying in that forum.


@kuhtopf I glanced at that and it seems odd. (oh yes, it's eight years old -- it was for installing the Windows version through Wine, Absolutely obsolete unless you are trying to make a retro system...)

Now I'm not sure if there are tricks for a Chromebook, but you should have a file named "stardew_valley(something).sh"
Look at the properties. It should have "executable" ticked (I don't remember if it came like that).
Then just click it and follow the directions, to install the game.
Or open a console, go to the directory (folder) the file is in, type ./Stardew_...sh (type ./St and then hit tab,)

I haven't been using a Chromebook but I'm a dedicated Linux-user since 1995 or something... :smile:


@kuhtopf I glanced at that and it seems odd. (oh yes, it's eight years old -- it was for installing the Windows version through Wine, Absolutely obsolete unless you are trying to make a retro system...)

Now I'm not sure if there are tricks for a Chromebook, but you should have a file named "stardew_valley(something).sh"
Look at the properties. It should have "executable" ticked (I don't remember if it came like that).
Then just click it and follow the directions, to install the game.
Or open a console, go to the directory (folder) the file is in, type ./Stardew_...sh (type ./St and then hit tab,)

I haven't been using a Chromebook but I'm a dedicated Linux-user since 1995 or something... :smile:
The good old „post something wrong on the internet to get someone else to post the correct information“-strategy seems to have worked :D
Thank you for your reply!
Alt-click on the Stardew Valley .sh file; click 'properties'; scroll down to the little unchecked-by-default box that says "allow to execute as program" or the like and check it; leave.
Alt-click on the file again and select "run as program"; ignore the terminal and wait (just takes a few seconds) for the installer to launch, then follow the on screen intructions.
It's super easy once you see what to do.