Switch I have a glitch problem


Hola como estan?
Tengo un problema de glitch con mi juego de stardew Valley para switch. Cuando llego a completar los fosiles en la isla jengibre, cuando el señor del museo me debe dar la receta para una incubadora de huevos de avestruz el juego se queda colgado. Nose que puedo hacer. Ya tengo muchas horas de juego y no quiero empezar de nuevo.
Lo que me di cuenta y nose si eso fue lo que causo el glitch es que yo encontre un huevo de avestruz pero lo incube en la incubadora de huevos de gallina, eso fue antes de que consiguiera completar los fosiles para conseguir la incubadora de huevos de avestruz. Eso si, el huevo de avestrus que coloque en la incubadora de huevos de gallina eclosiono y salio un lagarto en vez de una avestruz.
Tengo la version
Espero me puedan ayudar.
De Antemano Gracias!


Staff member
Translation of the post above:
Hello how are you? I have a glitch problem with my Stardew Valley game for switch. When I get to complete the fossils on Ginger Island, when the man from the museum must give me the recipe for an ostrich egg incubator, the game hangs. I do not know what I can do. I already have many hours of playing and I don't want to start again. What I realized and I don't know if that was what caused the glitch is that I found an ostrich egg but I incubated it in the chicken egg incubator, that was before I managed to complete the fossils to get the ostrich egg incubator. ostrich. Of course, the ostrich egg that I placed in the chicken egg incubator hatched and a lizard came out instead of an ostrich. I have version I hope you can help me. First of all, Thanks!
This was originally posted in the 1.6 thread, but as it is describing an issue with the Switch version, I've moved it to a separate thread. Sebastian, if you are able to share any screenshots of the the completed Island Field Office that may help. It sounds like you are unable to receive the recipe for the Ostrich Incubator at all?

For the ostrich egg, it sounds like you may have found a dinosaur egg, unless there is another, unrelated glitch with those. If you did find the ostrich egg on Ginger Island through the journal scrap and lost it due to a glitch, additional ostrich eggs can be found in rare chests in the Volcano Dungeon.