i beat the end game before up date and know it is showing i have few more things to do

Lew Zealand

Have a glance at the size of the update list for v1.6 but don't read everything as it'll be spoiler after spoiler: Stardew Valley Version History

If you want a more pointed look at what's needed for 100% Perfection, review your progress in Mr. Qi's room and wherever you're now at less that 100% in some categories, search the Wiki for those changes.

But to me that seems like the least fun way to play and experience the new changes. Try playing an in-game year and enjoy the new events as they unfold within the natural progression of the seasons.


Local Legend
If you're hyper fixated on getting 100% again, I could summarize everything you need to regain it

I will agree with what's already been said by Lew though, you haven't lost 'perfection' or any of the perks gotten by getting it, merely have a number less than 100% that you can work towards (or ignore, it won't change anything). 1.6 adds events and items that are really fun to explore for yourself for the first time, I had an absolute blast going through everything when the update first dropped and I assure you it'll be much more enjoyable an experience seeing everything for yourself instead of rushing to raise a now pretty arbitrary number.