i accidentaly got the white slime!!


Yay! That means one of your Tigers decided it needed a bit less stripeyness in its relationships and the resulting bebeslime got all it's color from Tiger parent. Which is none color.

so: White bebeslime!
thats so cool!! it was actually one of my objectives to do after completing perfection, so i wasnt even focused on my slime hutch yet. but now i got it and with only 60 something% perfection :3
Yay! That means one of your Tigers decided it needed a bit less stripeyness in its relationships and the resulting bebeslime got all it's color from Tiger parent. Which is none color.

so: White bebeslime!
I had no idea that's how they're made. I have a few of them on one of my PS4 farms and was wondering where they keep coming from (although not enough to look it up). Thanks for the explanation. ^_^