1.6 Update Hunting the Three Exclusive "Random Cosmetic Item": A Guide

I have just obtained the Neat Bow Shirt - Not that Neat Bow Shirt, the other more rare one. (No, the distinction may not be significant enough, but every pixel counts :laugh: It's got a bigger bow!)

I won't go over the stats and the theoreticals as that have already been covered extensively here: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewVal..._a_quick_guide_to_those_random_cosmetic_item/

This post intends to detail what I find is the most efficient strategy to hunt for them. Efficiency in my words means a method that is:
- Repeatable
- Actionable
- Lowest time/effort

For the panning method, I find that (at least in the Dig Site where I tested on) while on paper it is a high 13%, it breaks all three of those rules. (1) It is not necessarily repeatable as each "Very Happy" day you get one day's worth of panning to try this out. If you restart your day and try again, you'll get the same sets of items. You'll then need to waste time to find the next "Very Happy" day. An efficient method should aim to do a complicated set up only once, and then the rest of the time is exclusively spent on RNG roulette. Not very repeatable. (2) It is not an activity that requires a lot of constant action (but still requires a lot of attention)! This is bad in two ways - sometimes you are in a panning drought where you are just waiting so it feels like time wasted, but when there are panning spots you have to be hyperfocused or you might miss chances, or you may just doze off. Not very actionable. (3) Waiting for panning spot is a lot of time wasted, and focusing on a tiny panning sound or fading light is a lot of effort.

I have personally only tried panning for 5-6 days so I cannot conclusively rule it out, but hoeing artifact spots do not suffer from any of those three weaknesses, so...

Hoeing it is.
Here is a guide for how to efficiently hunt for them (based on my experience):
1. Prepare your Iridium Hoe with Generous Enchantment, Walk-speed items, 100ish Treasure Totems
2. Warp to the Beach at the start of the day, start filling the whole left side of the beach with artifact spots with Treasure Totems
3. I personally think these next steps should be done a separate next days so you don't have to repeat Step 2 again, but I haven't tested how quickly artifact spots attrite - Hoe up all the artifact spots created
4. If the items do not contain Neat Bow Shirt, Tye Die Shirt, Red Buttoned Vest, soft reset and hoe again until it is there!

On average I see around 3-14 clothing items after the whole hull (not bad). Once I can confirm the artifact spots do not disappear the next day, we can optimize Step 3 to be on the next day to save even more time. On average, combining Step 2 and Step 3, it takes me around 12PM in game to complete one round of hunting.

I do see some clothing items far more often than what I feel to be chance such as Party Hat (Red), Party Hat (Blue), etc. but I would like to hope that this is my bias. When your doubts kick in and you start losing faith, gotta remember to put trust in hard maths and statistics; it is tried and true and we stick with them!

And lastly, best of luck to anyone who wants to do this hunt, but most of all, enjoy! I put this a little less time-taking than Living Hat and way less time-taking than fishing out a Work Boots, but hey CA put out wayyy harder work developing this update so we gotta enjoy it equally hard :D
An update on waiting the next day to do hoeing - Around like maybe 90-95% of the artifact spots are gone, so there will be some losses but I think the efficiency gains from not needing to use treasure trove in that loop process is well worth it. When doing this, you can give both a try and evaluate yourself. For now, I'm sold on hoeing the next day.