1.6 Update How to play on save file from different PC (Co-op)


My friend created a co-op game that I joined. He hasn't been playing the game as much recently and I would like to play on that save file. Once he gives me his save file, I copy it and paste it into my own save files. It works and I can play on that file.

The problem with that is that I do not play on his character ( he was the one who created the world). I want to play on my character. Is there any way for me to play on that save file on my own character? I hope there is a way to do this, or hope that my question isn't very confusing.
The Farmer (your friend's character) is the host, so he has to be present for the game to run that save.
It's not ideal, but you still don't have to play as that character. You can select 'start local co-op' or 'start local multIplayer' (I forget the precise wording) and use a controller to bring your farmhand into the world and then just make his character go to bed early and play as yours. I've done this as the farmer with a friend's farmhand to upgrade their cabin for them. You will need to use (or have someone else play as) his character for certain tasks, like upgrading the main farmhouse, and all player characters have to enter festivals to trigger them. There are options for who can move buildings that you shpuld check to make sure it's set so your farmhand can do that.

There might be a way to alter the file to reasign your farmhand as the farmer, but I've never tried that. Perhaps you can ask in the mod section here to see if anyone has ever tried that or maybe has an idea of how to accomplish it? Make sure you back up the save first though!