How to move a fish pond


Local Legend
To expand a little bit, when you go to robins (or the wizard but that's further along into the game) and open up the menu to buy a building from her, there will be a button at the bottom of the screen (next to the button that actually asks her to make a building for you) that will allow you to move any of your buildings. It's free of cost and instantaneous, just click on the building, confirm, move it where you want, and confirm again.
Make sure the space you're moving it to is clear. It can be placed on pathing and grass is auto removed, the same as when you buildit the first time. Animals will move out of the way if you keep trying to put it down on them. However, torches, shrubbery, crops, machines, and any decoractive items will prevent the move.

Lew Zealand

The easiest way to make sure things are clear is to move buildings on a rainy day when the Animals are inside or to go to the Wizard's after 6pm when the Animals are all back in the Barn and Coop. I never go to Robin's any more for building moves as the Wizard's Book is self-service so there's zero chance of Robin not being there, and it's open until 11pm so I can finish up near the end of the day with a clear Farm.

OK and there's probably time to get home and back to pickaxe the stupid Torch I left hiding behind a bush or building.


The easiest way to make sure things are clear is to move buildings on a rainy day when the Animals are inside or to go to the Wizard's after 6pm when the Animals are all back in the Barn and Coop. I never go to Robin's any more for building moves as the Wizard's Book is self-service so there's zero chance of Robin not being there, and it's open until 11pm so I can finish up near the end of the day with a clear Farm.

OK and there's probably time to get home and back to pickaxe the stupid Torch I left hiding behind a bush or building.
If you want to place/move a building and in one part of the space there is an animal, by left clicking there, the animal begins to move away towards one direction. If it still is in range, preventing the building placement, you can click again and it begins to move again, either further, or towards a new direction.

No need to shut your animals inside, if you want to manage buildings.