How to fork in 3+ directions in events?

I've been reading the wiki quite thoroughly, but I can't seem to figure out how to have 3 different possible outcomes from one question in an event. The syntax for branching if a particular response is chosen is straightforward, but branching in 3 directions seems to be undocumented?

There is one apparent instance of this in the base game's files (in the DnD event where you choose a class). The code for this reads
question chooseCharacter \"Choose your character:#Warrior. I like a direct approach.#Healer. I prefer to help others.#Wizard. A sharp mind is the most powerful blade of all.\"/pause 500/speak Sebastian \"Hey! That's what I was going to pick!$h#$b#I guess I'll be the healer then.\"/pause 500/speak Sam \"Cool. Warrior's my favorite anyway.\"/addMailReceived choseWizard


The events 'warrior' and 'healer' are switched to somehow here--is chooseCharacter a special command specific to this event, or is perhaps there another way of forking to 3 different events? Thank you for time!!


That particular event has extra C# for it to handle the branching, unfortunately. I'm not quite sure how extra branches work.