Issue How to fix red text issue regarding "schedules"? Cant enter some locations, they stay loading n nothing opens.


More red text? This is my first time downloading mods and i downloaded sve but im not sure why theres so much red text? Im not sure what they mean.

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Sending your smapi.log might help to find out the error.
One possibility is that a mod has a dependency that the author has failed to put in the manifest file and the missing dependency does fires only later, not when mods are loaded.
Start by looking at the dependecies lists of the mods you are using (especially the one that seems relevant)


Sending your smapi.log might help to find out the error.
One possibility is that a mod has a dependency that the author has failed to put in the manifest file and the missing dependency does fires only later, not when mods are loaded.
Start by looking at the dependecies lists of the mods you are using (especially the one that seems relevant)
How do I send my smapi.log? And how do i check the dependencies, i don’t understand what you mean by that, sorry. I’ve never really downloaded any mods before.


You can send your smapi.log using this page: (there are instructions).
If you found your mod at Nexus, there is "Requirements" on the "Description" tag. Open it and it tells if you need other mods to run yours (mods adding e.g. maps usually have those).
Install the required other mods and retry.
If the mod maker has been careful, SMAPI should "yell red" already when you start the game, refusing to run mods whose requirements aren't there.

(It's 2 AM here, to be continued later if needed...)


Sorry for the late update! I deleted some of the mods and redownloaded them and it seemed to fix any red text and weird loading screens. Thank you though, have a good night/morning!