How to be creative in the game?


There are lots of ways on how to play the game and I wonder why how you make some designs and details in your game to make it more interesting.


My S.O. and I love interior design so we're always experimenting with the furniture and wallpaper in the game. Having someone to take inspiration from helps a lot. Having a community posting what they've created is major brain fuel for creativity. This applies to not only the house but the farm ground as well. I see a lot of players' farms on social media which makes me glad that the forums are here now. Hopefully we'll see more community creations on here.


My S.O. and I love interior design so we're always experimenting with the furniture and wallpaper in the game. Having someone to take inspiration from helps a lot. Having a community posting what they've created is major brain fuel for creativity. This applies to not only the house but the farm ground as well. I see a lot of players' farms on social media which makes me glad that the forums are here now. Hopefully we'll see more community creations on here.
I wish I can join that community posting.


Ive never done this and it might be a bit too bizarre, but you could try designing your farm in patterns and designs, so if you were looking at it from above you would see shapes and images. You could also try organizing your farm into districts, almost like in the hunger games. What purpose this would serve i have no idea.


The trick to having good far design is to just keep trying new designs until something sticks. I also try to take it section by section
In my current run I've changed my design every year so far. Normally I try to keep everything very square and efficient. I'm in winter now but I have a plan to sort of make things look a little more natural and not worry so much about maximizing space come Spring. I also built some random paths around my farm and plan on kind of building around those. I'm not really sure how it will look or come together but I think @Odin is probably right about just trying things until something sticks. (Although some people seem to have a natural talent for designing these things)



I get a lot of inspiration from research. Create from what others have made and make adjustments to make it all my own. I get a lot of interesting creative ideas form here.