How the tiles works?


I just bought the game and play it a quite some times. It just one thing that bugged me, how tiles works in this game?

So i've made sprinkle and the description said it will watering my garden every morning for about 4 adjacent tiles. I thought it's like 4 tiles up, 4 left, 4 right, and 4 down. Turn out it literally just 4 tiles, one tiles for each direction so it makes 4 in total.

My question is does it also apply to other items? For example i just unlocked the Scarecrow blueprint. It show that it will protect my garden from crows within 8 tiles. So is this the same case as the sprinkle i mentioned above or it will be different since there is no "adjacent" word in it?


Ah i see. Thanks for the link though. My dumb brain thought that 8 tiles means the scarecrow literally will only cover a whole big box of tiles since it's 8 in total 😂


Local Legend
I also fell into the same trap when I was a new player, I was very sorely disappointed when the sprinkler didn't work like the scarecrow did and instead of watering something like 100 crops it watered a whole 4....

Still a very good deal for their price though, once you start getting more crops you realize how much those four tiles go, especially when you can craft 20 of the sprinklers a day