How should I plan my day


I need some advice on how to plan my day. I find myself spending so much time on the farm petting animals, making artisan products, harvesting that I often forget quests and birthdays. I also need to spend more time mining and fishing. I use sprinklers for all my crops so at least that’s one task done. But how does everyone else fit it all in? I can’t afford a return scepter yet.


I have pretty detailed plans for most of the month (or more) so I always know what I'm doing on a particular day (barring good/bad luck). You could try planning in advance... my advice, though, for doing so, is to limit how much time is spent in the farm area. Take care of your crops, then leave the area - go to your animals and make whatever goods you can right at that moment, then leave to go about the town (to buy seeds, give gifts, Community Center, etc). You can even skip making things for a day to go mining or fishing for a whole day, dedicated to that. The best thing, in my opinion, is dedicating each day to a specific thing, from crops to wood to mining to fishing to villager interaction. Don't try to do everything in one day!


I am not a planner, but I do the same thing as Septima in terms of limiting the time I spend in the farm area--I'll do the necessary tasks, then head out to sell stuff, buy seeds, etc. so that most of my day is spent off the farm. The one planning-related thing I've done is to buy a calendar from Robin and place it next to my bed. I check that first thing in the morning (even before I head into the living room to watch that day's TV programs). That helps me to remember birthdays and festivals (yes, I've accidentally worked through them a few times). If there's no birthday or festival, sometimes I'll dedicate a day to just making cheese or mayonnaise, but that doesn't happen often. I usually start short artisan products last thing at night and first thing in the morning.


Buy a calendar to birthdays.
For gift giving, choose two days a week for it, usually friday/saturday is a great day because almost everyone is at the saloon in the evening.
Skull cavern is better only on luck days, so doesnt bother going there if its not one of those.


Sprinklers are a must, get your animals done first thing. Any birthdays do right after if you can. Lucky day, go mining, else go fishing or wood harvesting :junicheer:


Staff member
I need some advice on how to plan my day. I find myself spending so much time on the farm petting animals, making artisan products, harvesting that I often forget quests and birthdays. I also need to spend more time mining and fishing. I use sprinklers for all my crops so at least that’s one task done. But how does everyone else fit it all in? I can’t afford a return scepter yet.
You can't fit it all in every day! I'd recommend starting the day with harvesting and taking care of your animals. I put the artisan processing machines right in the barn and coop so I can just put those items right in and then I collect the processed items the next morning. After that I'll pick one thing for the day– a quest, mining, fishing, giving items to villagers. If I have time after that one thing I'll usually go fishing for the rest of the day as that activity doesn't have to take a certain amount of time.


Oh putting the artisan machines in the coop or
Barn is a great idea too. Mine are in a shed. I’ll try that, thanks!


This could be pre-planned or based on your daily luck but choose one specific task to do after your farm chores. For example, on stardrop, and golden mask days when I feel like it, I'll always go to Skull Cavern and only come back at the wee hours of the night. If you have to spend real-life energy and in-game time figuring out what to do every hour so so, you'll end up losing time and feel like you're being unproductive.
Something I do for artisan items when I'm not focused on them: I just get a batch started as I leave, and if I go back to my farm I'll switch them out. But I won't specifically go out of my way for them. That way, I get what I got done and I have at least a batch of artisan products!


To be honest, my dayd in STV are really boring. I collect my diamonds or truffels or i go to the scullcavern. Thats it. Fishing on PS4 is...meeeh....
The last week i tried 2 finish the CraftmasterTrophy; didnt work out, so now im frustrated and dont know what to do...


I need some advice on how to plan my day. I find myself spending so much time on the farm petting animals, making artisan products, harvesting that I often forget quests and birthdays. I also need to spend more time mining and fishing. I use sprinklers for all my crops so at least that’s one task done. But how does everyone else fit it all in? I can’t afford a return scepter yet.
I had this problem alot and sometimes I still feel like I can't fit it all in.