How old is/was your oldest farm?


I still have my first farm, which is in year 13. I'm going back to it now, to try to play some of 1.5. I'm not sure how to go back to catch up; I'll probably just stumble around and hope I catch something now and then. (I haven't yet had the heart to delete any old games - it's kinda like murdering your children, idn't it?) (I'm playing on an Android tablet. )


I still have my first farm, which is in year 13. I'm going back to it now, to try to play some of 1.5. I'm not sure how to go back to catch up; I'll probably just stumble around and hope I catch something now and then. (I haven't yet had the heart to delete any old games - it's kinda like murdering your children, idn't it?) (I'm playing on an Android tablet. )
Year twenty eight, I was headed for perfection with alot of restrictions, I got it, but that was after 20 total days in real world time. But to be fair most of it was before 1.5 came out


11 years. I think I'm only 65% perfection on that one. I HATE starting over. But I just did because I'm recording it. It's very slow going and I'm making a lot of newbie mistakes largely because of too much time between restarts. Just now spring year 2.


Local Legend
Year 33-34 currently, only played the first 4 years fully, then the next 8 or so about half ish and now it’s just sleeping with a few full days once in a blue moon.

probably about 400 hours on that file with all the planning and resets.


My oldest farm is in Summer of year 10 and I've started playing it in February 2020. There are several reasons it is "only" year 10:
  • I play several other farms at the same time
  • my children often ask for my phone: "can I play a SDV day ?"
  • the farm was put to stale for a good amount of time waiting to be transfered from the update 1.4 of my mobile to my computer with the 1.5 update. It has now 100% completion


Local Legend
Currently in Fall of year 66. No skipped days - no reason to, I like doing stuff. :smile:

(Just in case anyone wishes to know how long it takes to fill an entire chest with torches by picking them up in the mines as you're going around doing other stuff, the answer is about 64 years. Yes I have some weird collections. :laugh:)
Gosh that's long, 2-3k hours I assume?