How do I change my clothes?


You need to make or find cloth to change your clothes. Once you have cloth, Emily will stop by and invite you to use the sewing machine in her house. You make new clothes by combining cloth with any other item you have. For example, cloth plus a spring onion makes my favorite top. The sewing machine is pretty self-explanatory but how to create specific items of clothing is trial and error. If you want a particular look, check the wiki.
And once you have clothes in your inventory, to equip it you press the menu button, activate the first tab that shows your inventory, at the bottom is a picture of you with some slots for equipping various things, you drag a shirt/hat/pants/ring etc., or whatever into one of those slots to equip it.




MAKE SURE you don't accidentally throw out your clothes when you take them on and off. I don't know about PC but on the Switch it's super easy to do this due to how the mouse functions in your inventory bar(s). I have accidentally done this many times, and it's not fun 😅


Thanks all! And yeah I'm on switch too and threw out so many things by accident when first starting this game haha! So on another save, I started my game choosing a much nicer outfit imo, was a black 'dress' aka skirt and top that fit together, with a top underneath. Are the beginner clothes like this obtainable this way too? Thanks!
Thanks all! And yeah I'm on switch too and threw out so many things by accident when first starting this game haha! So on another save, I started my game choosing a much nicer outfit imo, was a black 'dress' aka skirt and top that fit together, with a top underneath. Are the beginner clothes like this obtainable this way too? Thanks!
Oh man, that’s a bummer to accidentally throw them out. I never thought of this probably because I'm playing on mobile and using touch gestures for this instead of a controller, though I do use a controller for other stuff. I'll definitely keep this in mind, so I'm glad you guys mentioned it.

There's a great table for this on the wiki page, the absence of recipes for some items might mean they can't be made at the sewing machine (some are marked as alternative ways of getting them) but also it could just mean the sewing combination hasn't been discovered and filled in by a wiki editor--so, not certain about this).

If it helps you can take a peek at the table here:

And you can use the Stardew predictor to determine which shirts will appear the oasis and when:


Thank you! Been having a look through the tailoring page and been really helpful - not at the oasis stage yet but helpful to know, thank you! One thing I can't seem to find that I feel like someone must have created somewhere by now - is there any website/guide that allows you to preview outfits?! Like would be particularly helpful for some of the tops that fit together with a skirt in the right colour to look like a dress - cheers :)
Yw. That would be pretty cool, folks have been asking for this for a while but I haven't seen one yet, perhaps someone from the community can create one.

The other (imperfect) option is to start a new game along side your old one (you can have many games inside Stardew). This way you can quickly switch and preview the items in that dialog, and then close it prior to saving (or delete the new game after saving). It doesn't give you the names of the items though, which is a bummer, so after selection you’d still have to go to the wiki to visually match the item and then get the item name. The ability to preview in the game might be the reason someone hasn't developed it yet, if that's the case then maybe on next update Concerned Ape could add the display of clothing names, visible as people cycle through them, that way it accomplishes both.

This makes me realize it would be nice if the items had at least an item number on the wiki in that table. Might be a project for a bored day hehehehh.
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