How did you find out about stardew valley?


Well, my story isn't very interesting.. some years ago someone on YouTube started a "new" series about a new game called stardew valley. It didn't took my and my sisters' interest but that name stayed to my brain for some reason. I quickly forgot about it though. After 2 years I bought an Xbox one. I was really happy and I immediately started searching for games to download. I hopped on the 'deals' section of the store and a game caught my eye. Stardew valley. I didn't know why but I remembered seeing that game on YouTube when I was younger. My sister didn't remember it AT ALL! I passed it forward to search the store for other
games. But this game stayed in my mind.. 1 year passed again and covid locked us in our houses for the first time. Being in quarantine we were bored. Schools were closed, we couldnt meet up with friends etc. So I started looking for a game to buy to pass the lock-down time. And one game crossed my mind immediately. Stardew valley. This time I wasn't letting it go. So without any other thought I bought the game and started installing it on my Xbox. And the rest is history... I fell in love with the game. The graphics, the characters, EVERYTHING! My sister also liked the game nearly as much as I did! I also convinced my cousins to buy it so we can play co-op. I'm still playing the game to this day (now I own it on mobile too!) and I'm having Soo much fun! I still haven't completed the CC though.. Now my sister and I are waiting for the 1.5 update to play it together on a new save. I would recommend this game to everyone and thanks for the great quarantine time!
I went to a New Year's Eve party last year and woke up on Jan 1, 2020 to find my host playing Stardew Valley in the living room. I had never played any console games despite growing up with an Xbox in the house and my fiance having a PS4. Also, never played PC games aside from flash games as a kid.

My fiance said it might actually be one I would like and bought it for me. I started playing in January and by the time COVID hit in March, I was already in love.


I was playing this games 2016 the first time. The reason of bying this game was a nostalgic feeling I've become, because I've spended lot of time playing Animal Crossing long time ago. I don't know why, but the game didn't catch me and I've put it aside for 2 years. After a stroke of fate in year 2018 the game was the only thing that kept me strong.
Im very thankful for that.


A friend that hated and despised it told me how terrible it was. So I trolled him and played. Apparently we are polar opposites because I am obsessed with the game!


My sister mentioned it to me, and I bought it for her on Steam a few years ago. Wanted to play it myself, but lack of time, and eventually lack of home internet.

When I got laid off from work when the pandemic was really hitting, I bought the game on mobile and played it a lot. Got the GoG version as well for my sister to multiplayer with, so that Strean won’t complain about lack of internet.

I played with the 1.5 update a bit on PC, but once the mobile update gets released, I’ll dive into it further.


I'm a huge indie gamer, so I'm constantly scanning the digital Switch library for new indie games. SDV pops up on digital sale/recommended lists so often it's impossible not to see it. I bookmarked it on my Wish List and then sat on it for absolute ages out of pure self defense lol. I knew instinctively that I'd like it but was kind of terrified of how much it was probably going to monopolize my attention. Cue one depressed evening and an impulse buy later, and sure enough not only have I logged an absolutely obscene amount of hours into this game, I have come to a dead standstill on virtually every other game I had going before it. Like I'm sure things are hopping over in Octopath Traveler and Witcher 3 right now but on the other hand I've got orange trees to grow.


I saw it mentioned in an article . . . I can't remember what it was about. But the idea of a calm, relaxing game was what got me to buy it. And it really is. After years of MMOs that went on without me when I played too slowly or couldn't play, it was really lovely to have a game that let me go at my own pace. Also, I miss living in a rural area, and the idealized rural area of Pelican Town is rather seductive. I wish most of the rural towns I know were actually like this.


The very first time I found out about stardew valley was from James Vetch's game balls series about it. I was mildly interested in it, but I didn't think much of it. The next time I herd of it was when a few youtubers that I watch did a collab where they played stardew together. I got very interested in it and I wanted to get it but I never ended up getting it. Awhile later, a video game news YouTube channel made a comment about how stardew had sold 10 million copies. When I heard that, I remembered how much I wanted the game, and since my birthday was coming up, I asked for it. that was a year ago, last February. I don't play on switch that often anymore since I got it on steam in August. I have 275 hours on switch and 116 on pc. I love this game so much and I was a really nice relaxing game along with animal crossing during lockdown. Even though im so obsessed with this game I still have only scratched the surface of 1.5. I know some broad things that it has and Ive gotten some items from the update, but not much.


I had seen Stardew Valley come up on the top paid games list in the app store for a while, but I'm not one to shell out $7.99 without knowing much about a game.

When COVID-19 hit, I found myself working remotely. What was a 40 hour work week suddenly became 10-15 hours of work and a bunch of thinking up things I can do during the day.

One day, a friend on Facebook asked for game recommendations. One of the responses was SV, and because I had heard of it, I decided to look into it more. I figured $8 wasn't too much to pay if I had all this time to play it, especially since I wasn't going out to drink (so much money saved!).

I also chose to play on mobile because I didn't want to have to be on my computer to play. Waiting for 1.5 is making me very seriously consider playing the PC version now.


A Youtuber and Twitch Streamer, Splattercat, was playing it one day on Youtube and he just made it so funny with his commentary. At first I couldn't get into the game because I'm more of a fan of high action, narrative-driven RPGs, so I just watched him play maybe 30 episodes in my free time and then forgot about the game. It wasn't until about a year or two later when I saw more and more people talking about it online and how relaxing they found it. I had cleared out my gaming backlog by that time and gave it a go myself just to see what the hype was about, and found it both fun and relaxing like everyone else did! :D I started on mobile which was kinda frustrating with my smaller screen, but once I switched to PC I found it a lot more fun and I really got into farming lol. Currently I'm not playing it as much right now, but when I get in the mood again I'm ready to finally get married and get to year 3 haha

A Junimo

I was pretty young and played Harvest Moon, when one day my dad, who loves to game in his spare time, introduced me to the beauty of Stardew Valley.